Wednesday, March 22, 2017

We got married!

I just found this entry I wrote several years ago... I updated the ending.

Late this spring he said, "We should get some wedding rings," and I said, "OK." So, we did.

Toby Pomeroy made us rings for our wedding in 1969, but first Bill, and then I, lost them somewhere around the farm. I always took them off to do lambing, stuffing them hastily in my jeans (the rings, not the lambs). Bill did too, and when he worked on equipment or welded or...

His rings disappeared first, some time in our first five years of marriage. Mine lasted another five or six years and went to join my opal ring and the other detritus of the ages. Given how much interesting stuff we've dug up here over the years, I wouldn't be surprised to find the rings one day. They're here; we just have to notice them.

The jeweler was a little confused by our order. I don't remember how we came up with it, but the original design was two bands each - a slim one to represent me and a more substantial one to represent him (which is exactly backwards, I know). When we tried the new ones on, I remembered to put "his" ring on first. It feels right.

It's nice to be married again, and good to see our rings lose the perfect shiny newness and begin to reflect the bumps and dings of living and working together.

Late note: Bill lost his again; I'm still wearing mine. Rings or no, we just celebrated our 48th anniversary.

Monday, March 06, 2017


It's been a loooooong time since I've posted anything, but I'm back! Not that I have anything to say...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad