Sunday, September 24, 2006

Corn pudding and cheesecake

Today was the community potluck at the grange hall, and we had so much fun we hung the last dog. Unbeknownst to us, interesting people have infiltrated the neighborhood! I base that judgement on both the food they brought and on how witty their repartee - with style points for sassy children or comments like, "Oh, I've always liked your house!"

What I don't like about such gatherings is catching wind of some local conflict, but not picking up enough of the details. So, I come away with the impression that she thinks it's a crime and she's 100% with whosis, and we sure hope what'shisname doesn't bring it up today, because it will just start an argument. Arrrgghhhhh!

We were encouraged to wear name tags with our addresses, which lead to conversations like,

"So, which house is 2140 Oak Grove Road?"

"It's right near the top of the hill past the big power line."

"Oh, you mean the Griffith place?"

"Well, the original Griffith place was on Orchard Heights. The one on Oak Grove was built . . ."

You get the drift.

As the day wound down I remembered the first potluck I went to in that hall, about 35 years ago. All the men gathered in the hall or outside, and all the women were in the kitchen. But now we all break down the tables and chairs, then we end up together in the kitchen until the last teaspoon lands in the drawer. Then the hall is empty again and we chase the last few yellowjackets out as we lock the back door.

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