Monday, January 21, 2008

How sharper than a serpent's tooth. . .!

Some thanks I get these days for just trying to be a good Mom! I innocently ask if anyone has lost a sock and One Of Them (guess which!) says, snarkily:

"what kind of a question is that? sure, i'm missing socks. probably including a brown one. you expect me to keep track of these things?"

To which The Other One replies, with a pathetic sympathy play:

"do I have some brown cotton socks without mates? Yes. But, after a recent sock drawer analysis, I have concluded I have more unmatched socks than I do matched ones. Sigh."

I give up! This sock is hereby offered free to the highest bidder.

1 comment:

Farmer bill said...

Hey all you serpents. It appears that this sock is a local sock and perhaps never has traveled by plane. There is a sock surprisingly similar in one of my dresser drawers, close enough that we can call off the hunt.